Beyond Sequencing returns to San Francisco, CA on June 21-22, 2011
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What did you learn from this meeting?
Purchasing your next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform(s) was a major decision. Now that you have purchased a platform, how do you maximize the greatest potential for your investment? Realizing this potential requires efficient workflow strategies, careful experimental design, comprehensive targeted enrichment technologies, data analysis, management, and integration, in addition to maintaining your platform and people management all at maximum production. The central theme at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural Beyond Sequencing: Strategies for Success is efficient utilization of your NGS platform. Sessions will focus on common bottlenecks, case studies, real-world experiences and solutions from experienced users.
Monday, June 21
Pre-Conference Satellite Educational Workshop
Core Facility Laboratory Evolution in the Genomics Revolution
Tuesday, June 22
Plenary Session
Successful Sequencing Strategies
Project Management
Data Management
Keynote Presentation
Statistical Challenges in mRNA-Seq

Sandrine Dudoit
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics;
Chair, Graduate Group in Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley
Wednesday, June 23
Focused Breakout Sessions
Deep Re-Sequencing for Cancer
Complimentary Articles and White Papers