Wednesday, November 9
7:45 am Morning Coffee
8:25 Chairperson’s Remarks
Maureen Martini, Associate Director, Resource Analysis & Technology, Shire Pharmaceuticals
8:30 The Sandwich Approach to Resource Management: Top Down Resource Allocation and Activity Based Resource Requirements Meet in the Middle!
Cleat Jerden, Senior Project Manager, Process Development, Amgen, Inc.
This presentation will offer a real world example of managing 150+ resources across multiple projects. It is a case study of how to achieve a middle ground when site/functional resources do not equal resource demand across multiple projects. Fewer opportunities exist for Portfolio Management because of the late stage of commercialization (phase III), and as a result the outcome is focused on identification and acceptance of risk. This case study is an example of how risk was identified and shared with senior management to gain agreement throughout the organization.
9:00 An Innovative Process for Fronting Technology Initiatives Using Pre-Existing Resources
Jennifer Nemeth, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist, Biologics Research, Centocor R&D, A Division of J&J PRD
In recent years, there have been significant changes to the operations and structuring within most pharmaceutical organizations. Timelines are getting compressed despite the fact that deliverables require more time and an increasing number of personnel. As more resources are put to delivering on pipelines, it has become more challenging to advance technology development innovations. Yet it is these innovations that can lead to the next generation of drug products. Within Johnson & Johnson, the implementation of matrixed, multi-functional teams are being used to overcome these roadblocks. When a research initiative is identified as being business critical, team leaders are assigned, and volunteers are requested from all critical areas to support the program. A team is formed, and tasks for the research initiative are added to the regular job requirements. Each research initiative establishes deliverables, and has set timelines in which to achieve them. As each team is comprised of people who have volunteered because they have a direct interest in the science, there is a high level of commitment to success. A case-study, the evaluation of developability methods for antibody evaluation, will be presented using this paradigm, which will be used to illustrate the process and highlight the impact of the research effort on the current program development process.
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9:30 Enhanced Strategic Resource Forecasting and Planning
Maureen Martini, Associate Director, Resource Analysis & Technology, Shire Pharmaceuticals
Shire’s Strategy is expanding to include a more robust Early Development engine which will be fueled through internal Exploratory Research and in-licensing. Shire Business Operations needed a method of forecasting the demand of the existing portfolio as well as the projected programs. Being able to model this dynamic stream of work is critical to ensuring the organization is sized appropriately. This analysis requires a balanced perspective taking into consideration significant risk in early development and careful decision-making around fixed cost investment.
10:00 Networking Coffee Break with Exhibitors
10:45 What you Need to Believe: Aligning Amgen’s Approach to Asset Valuation With its Organizational Culture
Kevin Matchett, Senior Manager, Program Management and Strategic Operations, Amgen
With increasing portfolio complexity, shortage of resources, and changing organizational climate, Amgen has developed an approach for quantitatively valuing our assets that is aligned to our culture. This presentation will describe the journey from an ad hoc, inconsistent approach to one that is more structured, rigorous, and aligned with Amgen’s decision making culture. Many companies are likely at various stages of the same journey and understanding where things went right and where things went wrong will help others prepare and be more successful in their own journey. The audience will have a better understanding of the challenges that many companies face when trying to deploy quantitative methods for evaluating projects with a high degree of uncertainties and suggestions for how to ease team and management anxiety on this topic.
11:15 Clinical Trial Success Rates for Reassessing the Pipeline
David Thomas, Director, Industry Research & Analysis, Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)
A recent BIO / BioMedTracker study examined the clinical trial success rates of drugs developed by 785 companies over the last seven years. The results reveal significantly lower success rates than previously published studies. The drop in rates was prevalent at every stage in the clinical and regulatory development process. Is this a trend, a temporary set-back for the industry, or are current models for translational medicine broken? This discussion will uncover differences seen between therapeutic indications and offer possible explanations for the findings as well as potential remedies for the industry.
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Tales from the Portfolio Trenches:
Case Studies in Effective Portfolio Management
Daniel Smith, Vice President, Enrich Consulting
Enrich Consulting deploys R&D portfolio management systems for medium and large R&D-driven organizations. In this talk, we will provide a few case studies that highlight best practices in project valuation and portfolio management:
- Appropriate scenario analysis at the project and portfolio levels
- Managing a distributed process: Methods that help and methods that overwhelm
- Pipeline and attrition modeling: Finding the right level of detail
1:25 Chairperson’s Remarks
Scott Babler, Senior Project Management Consultant, Integrated Project Management, Inc.
1:30 A Case Study: Shaping Strategy an Emerging Role for Portfolio Management
Beau Bush, Strategy & Portfolio Analysis, Global Strategic Marketing (GSM), Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Services LLC
Several years ago, JNJ’s Portfolio Management function was struggling to have an impact. Within the span of a few years, Portfolio Management became a key business partner in helping senior management make critical strategic decisions. This case study describes how Portfolio Management transformed its portfolio management process, partnered with senior management, and developed methods to help identify and answer strategic imperatives.
Millennium’s METIS System - The Best of Both Worlds: Leveraging an Integrated Project and Portfolio Management Toolkit to Build, Prioritize, and Execute on a Business Aligned Technology Roadmap
Rebecca Greenberg, Associate Director, Medical Informatics and Information Management, Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company
Catherine Célingant, Senior Director, Medical Informatics Operations & Innovative Technologies, Medical Informatics and Information Management, Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company
The Medical Informatics Roadmap (“Roadmap”) is a representation of a multi-year technology project portfolio that has been designed with critical business objectives in mind. The Roadmap highlights those systems and projects that provide the greatest strategic advantage. A key component of the Roadmap development is the Prioritization Process, which enlists business sponsors in the quantification of key decision criteria, dependencies, and risks for each of the defined projects, thus providing a framework for sequencing the projects and clearly communicating project priorities amongst the various stakeholder groups. Although we have designed a process that is specific to the requirements of developing a technology roadmap, the principles we will present are applicable to any group tasked with prioritizing a heterogeneous portfolio with quasi-quantitative metrics and building shared commitment to participation of execution and delivery on the individual projects contained within.
2:45 Networking Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
3:15 Aligning Resource Needs with the Projected Portfolio: How Functional Productivity Can Lead the Way
Grant Morgan, Ph.D., PMP, Director, Global Project Management and Analysis, Allergan
This talk will cover how Allergan has utilized function-dependent productivity to accurately project resource requirements for short term need and future portfolio expectations. The topics covered will include the scope of the initiative, inputs required and outputs provided and integration of portfolio scenario planning into the model. The audience will get a chance to see how objective productivity measures can drive capacity planning independent of company size.
3:45 Breakout Discussion Groups and Afternoon Wrap Up:
Concurrent breakout discussion groups are interactive, guided discussions hosted by a facilitator or set of co-facilitators to discuss some of the key issues presented earlier in the day’s sessions. Delegates will join a table of interest to them and become an active part of the discussion at hand. To get the most out of this interactive session and format please come prepared to share examples from your work, vet some ideas with your peers, be a part of group interrogation and problem solving, and, most importantly, participate in active idea sharing.
TABLE: Driving Innovation and Value through Portfolio Management
Moderator: Beau Bush, Strategy & Portfolio Analysis, Global Strategic Marketing and Market Access (GSM&MA), Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Services LLC
• How are trade-offs made between traditional pharmaceutical projects and enabling technologies in your portfolio
• How to value a biomarker or diagnostics platforms in your portfolio
• Making sure your forecasts and development plans talk to each other
TABLE: Leading Executives to Effective Portfolio Decision-Making
Moderator: Christopher Gajda, Director, Program Management & Strategic Operations, Amgen
• Framing portfolio decisions
• Determining the right level of data
• Capturing and communicating the rationale to ensure successful execution
TABLE: Quantifying Risk in R&D projects
Moderator: Jeffrey Handen, Ph.D., Vice President, Clinical Solutions, Medidata Solutions Worldwide
• How do you measure risk?
• Technical vs. Operational Risk
• De-risking: Project vs. Portfolio
TABLE: Alignment of Project Management and Resource Management
Moderator: Cleat Jerden, Senior Project Manager, Process Development, Amgen, Inc.
• How resource management is included in project planning
• Resource tracking throughout project execution
• Selection process for project resources
TABLE: Balancing Project Manager Workload
Moderator: Mary Maley, Global Program Director, RQT (Research, Quality, Technology), Kellogg Company
• How do you forecast the amount of time a project will take?
• How do you assess the capacity of your project managers?
• How do you prioritize across customers and transition projects to maintain balance?
TABLE: Managing Technology/Development Initiatives in a Matrix Environment
Moderator: Jennifer Nemeth, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist, Biologics Research, Centocor R&D, A Division of J&J PRD
• The hurdles of managing daily business requirements and still make deliverables on your Initiative.
• The difficulties of wearing many “Hats” in a matrix environment.
• Getting management support for your Technology/Development Initiative.
TABLE: Should Pharma Abandon the Fully Integrated Model and Focus its Efforts on a Subset of the Value Chain?
Moderator: James Resch, Ph.D., Director, Strategic Intelligence, Discovery Strategy and Performance, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Which internal skill sets offer the best chance of delivering value and competitive advantage?
• Which portions of the value chain would be the easiest to partner or outsource?
• What are the benefits and risks to a more focused strategy?
TABLE: Achieving Excellence in Portfolio Management: A Best Practice Approach
Moderator: Michael Menke, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Engineering and Technology Management, Portland State University; President at Value Creation Associates; former Chief Portfolio Advocate, Hewlett-Packard
Most business processes are built upon a foundation of business practices and the quality of the process output depends heavily on implementing the right practices, doing them whenever necessary and executing them well. This breakout session will explore:
• What are the most important practices for excellence portfolio management?
o Which ones are essential for excellence?
o Which ones can confer competitive advantage?
• Are there standards (benchmarks) to measure ourselves against?
• How does pharma compare to other industries?
These results are from an international portfolio management benchmarking study conducted in May 2011.
Please share your topic requests and suggestions with us:
5:15 End of Day - Close of Strategic Resource Management Forum (Portfolio Management continues on through Thursday, November 10th)
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