Hotel Kabuki
1625 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: 415-922-3200
Reservation Line: 1-800-533-4567
Discounted Room Rate: $179 s/d
Discounted Room Rate Cut-off Date: May 13, 2014
Please click here or call the hotel directly to reserve your sleeping accommodations. You will need to identify yourself as a CHI conference attendee to receive the discounted room rate with the host hotel. Reservations made after the cut-off date or after the group room block has been filled (whichever comes first) will be accepted on a space and rate-availability basis. Rooms are limited, so please book early.
Top Reasons to Stay at Hotel Kabuki
Located in the heart of San Francisco's Japantown
Complimentary Wi-Fi available throughout the hotel
No commute as conference takes place in the hotel itself
Opportunities for after-hours networking with your peers
We understand that you have many choices when making your travel arrangements. Please understand that reserving your room in the CHI room block at the conference hotel allows you to take full advantage of the conference sessions, events and networking opportunities, and ensures that our staff will be available to help should you have any issues with your accommodations.
It has come to our attention that our conference attendees, specifically exhibitors, are being targeted in a housing scam. If you are contacted by ANY company other than CHI, or one claiming to be the official “housing service” please do not do business with them. Cambridge Healthtech Institute does not utilize any third party booking service. Many of these companies ask for advance payment, and should you contract with them, you may be unable to confirm, make changes or even receive a refund, should the need arise, and reservations are often canceled without advance notice.
Flight Discounts:
Special discounts have been established with American Airlines for this conference:
- Call American Airlines Directly at 800-433-1790 and use Conference Code 7264AD
- Go to and enter Conference Code 7264AD in promotion discount box.
Car Rental Discounts:
Special rental discounts have been established with Hertz for this conference. Please use one of the following methods: