Table 1. Understanding the Why of Poor Resource Allocation Decisions: Taking into Account Culture, Leadership, Technology and the Impact of those Past Decisions
Christopher Beck, Vice President, Program Resources and Decision Support, Shire Pharmaceuticals
- Please describe a decision regarding the allocation of resources (or non allocation) that had a negative impact on your business or a strategic objective.
- What were the outcomes that lead to the realization that a poor decision was made? Who was impacted? What were the results?
- What was the root cause of this poor decision? Political? Culture? Leadership? Lack of information?
- Could a project and resource management capability positively impact future decisions?
Table 2. Project Prioritization within the Portfolio: Best Practices in Redesigning Stage Gate Management Criteria
Marilyn Metcalf, Ph.D., Director, Quantitative and Decision Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline
- Should stage gates be set by development phase or by some other decision criteria? What level of confidence or probability of success or level of evidence should be used? Should benchmarks be used as references? If so, how and when?
- Who is best qualified to make decisions around how well assets meet the stage gate criteria? Teams? Managers? Combinations?
- How do we measure success beyond numbers of assets moving forward? How do we account for differences in quality, degree of innovation, answering unmet medical need/degree of difficulty in treating the disease in question?
Table 3. The Challenges of Current Resource Planning Practices and Potential New or Alternate Approaches
Grant Morgan, Ph.D., PMP, Leader of R&D Metrics and Capacity Management, Senior Global Project Manager, Allergan, Inc.
- How do most companies project resource requirements across R&D?
- What role do options such as outsourcing studies influence utilization of the available internal resource pool?
- Does it work? – how do you avoid under resourcing due to poor understanding of the Portfolio or over staffing due to functional “Empire” building practices
- Are there alternate approaches or tools that could fairly and accurately project future resource requirements?
Table 4. The Intersection between Horizontal and Vertical Resource Management - Challenges and Possible Solutions
Richard M. Bayney, Ph.D., President & Founder, Project & Portfolio Value Creation, and Faculty, University of Pennsylvania
Table 5. The Influence of Human Factors on Resourcing Decisions
Stephen A. Williams, Ph.D., Partner, Decisionability LLC; former-Vice President and Worldwide Head of Clinical Technology, Pfizer
- What is the impact on optimal resourcing of emotional engagement with high medical need diseases such as cancer?
- How do perceived risks of advancing or terminating drug candidates vary based on trust, dread or avoidance of blame and what effects does this have?
- Do decision makers really believe in measures of value, cost and risk or do they use gut feeling? Why?
Table 6. Pros and Cons to Various Resource Management Approaches in Alternative Operational Structures
Jennifer Hirsch, Associate Director, R&D Operations, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D
- To what extent is resource management success contingent upon organization structure?
- What are some resource management fundamentals that must exist regardless of structure?
- How flexible does resource management need to be to adapt in changing organizational models?
- What are some resource management structure or process "lessons learned" within your organization?
Table 7. Is there R&D Overcapacity?
James F. Resch, Ph.D., Director, Strategic Intelligence, Discovery Strategy and Performance, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Does the industry have more R&D right now than it can afford? Or that its customers can afford?
- What are the implications of this situation on the structure of the industry?
- What are the implications for portfolio management?
Table 8. Resource Allocation in Rapid Growth Companies
Colin Cornhill, Senior Director, Strategic Planning, Benefit-Risk Management, a division of Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, LLC
- What are the key characteristics of a "Rapid Growth Company" in the context of Resource Allocation?
- What are the critical success factors for Resource Allocation in a rapid growth situation?
- Are there lessons from a rapid growth situation that can be applied more generally?
Table 9. Overcoming Obstacles to Portfolio Management Systems’ Acceptance by Senior Management
Richard Lawson, Ph.D., Global Head of Discovery Decision Support, Discovery Strategy and Performance, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- What are the obstacles to implementing a new software solution within an established company culture?
- What steps can be taken to build confidence in new systems and processes?
- Can the learnings from any one organization be generalized as "best practice" for others to follow?
Table 10. Where’s the Greatest Value from Portfolio Management; Is This Changing? – Perspectives From Pharma and from the Petroleum Industry
Lillian Warren, Chief Operating Officer, Portfolio Decisions, Inc.
- What is the most important information provided by the portfolio process?
- What questions do we analyze with portfolio management? Is this changing?
- To what extent is portfolio analysis an important tool for strategy development?
- How can we analyze or quantifie portfolio level risk and uncertainty?
Table 11. Impact of Portfolio Management on Shareholder Return
Anand Sanwal, Managing Director, Brilliont; Former VP, Investment Optimization & Strategic Business Analysis, American Express
Utilizing empirical data from a recently concluded Brilliont study of the S&P 500, this Roundtable will examine:
- What is the relationship between portfolio management and total shareholder returns?
- How do shareholders reward/penalize companies for their portfolio management decisions?
- How much do leading pharma organizations lose every year due to poor portfolio management practices?
- Why should companies focus their efforts on portfolio management in lieu of M&A?
Table 12. The Challenges of Meeting Senior Management Expectations of Portfolio Management
Sabine Bernotat-Danielowski, PhD, MBA, Executive Director, Decision Analysis, Daiichi Sankyo
- How should senior management be involved prior to key portfolio discussions and decisions?
- What kind of analysis and decision making support is appreciated by senior decision makers?
- How can portfolio management become integral part of and a link between strategic planning and operational execution?