Tuesday, November 3, 2009



(Joint Session Between Strategic Resource Management & Portfolio Management Forums)

1:55 Chairperson’s Remarks

James F. Resch, Ph.D., Director, Strategic Intelligence, Discovery Strategy and Performance, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

2:00 Balancing R&D Investments with External Collaborations

A. Maria Dahl, Ph.D., MBA, Vice President, Portfolio Management Oncology, IPSEN

Excessive attrition is considered a significant pharma problem. Unfortunately the opposite can be equally problematic, with excessive supposedly “promising” and “potentially valuable” projects competing for increasingly scarce internal resources. In such an environment, it is key to have multiple internally agreed prioritization tools and then based on the prioritization be highly pragmatic as to how the asset is moved forward. In particular it will be discussed how to leverage external R&D collaborations, spin-outs and out licensing to ensure lower ranking but still valuable programs are progressed and not just shelved or put on hold “hoping for better times.”

  • Ipsen is a midsized Pharma company which has used a number of different formats of external R&D collaborations and spin-outs to successfully create value for assets which would otherwise have been shelved primarily for resource prioritization reasons. The lessons learned by Ipsen will be helpful for both mid size and large Pharma representatives in the audience.
  • The presentation will aim to transform the way the audience thinks about assets, from a “advance” or “drop” model to “advance using a wide different set of external approaches available”.
  • Tools for ranking and valuing projects taking into approach quantitative as well as qualitative parameters will be shared, as well as approaches which will allow one to see the project also with external eyes so as to create a win-win situation for any partner involved.

2:30 Designing Flexible Portfolio Management Processes

Christine Cioffe, V.M.D., Vice President, Enterprise-wide Planning and Portfolio Management, Merck & Co., Inc.

The decision-making structure behind resource allocation is changing. In many organizations, annual portfolio reviews (strategy, priorities and resource allocation) are no longer sufficient in effectively managing what is available against products in all stages of development. When making project and resource management decisions, particularly for the early-stage portfolio (due to the rapid nature of change in these projects), flexible and appropriately timed reviews are also needed. This session uses practical strategies and tactical tools to assess the following:

  • Structure and execution of governance and decision making (franchise and functional)
  • Utilizing stage-gate processes
  • Integrating and aligning resource allocation across the value stream
  • Determining balance in early and late state project and portfolio management
  • Understanding the complex nature of cost

3:00 Networking Refreshment Break

4:00 Raising the Bar on Operational Portfolio Management Decision Support

Carlos Nunes, Director, Portfolio Management & Analytics, Pfizer Inc.

  • Model and maximize near-term portfolio throughput using dynamic project and protocol scenario planning, leveraging operational clinical trial data and performance benchmarks. Critical to an effective discipline are four key capabilities
  • A reliable enterprise portfolio planning and resourcing information management practice
  • Real-time portfolio knowledge and reporting of resource demand, capacity and constraints (People + $$)
  • Flexibility to rapidly and seamlessly integrate operational data and benchmarks into drug development scenarios
  • Rapid assessment of multiple drug development scenarios alongside the active portfolio

4:30 The Impact of Organizational Culture on Resource and Portfolio Management “Best Practices”

Richard Heaslip, Ph.D., Vice President, Project Management, Wyeth Research

Defining resource and portfolio management “best practices” is difficult in the absence of information about the culture and structure of the organization in which it is conducted. Defining what is “best” depends upon the organization’s needs and expectations - which can vary widely within our industry. This talk will examine the influence of culture and structure on the establishment of best practices, and the challenges that resource and portfolio management professionals will face as our industry changes to prepare for an uncertain future.

5:00 Implications of Regulatory Environment on Portfolio Management Decisions

Bonnie Goldmann, Goldmann Consulting, LLC, former Senior Vice President at Merck and Johnson & Johnson

The evolving global regulatory environment has never been more critical to portfolio management. Understanding how  this  risk-averse environment affects the scope of the development plan both pre- and post-approval, the probability of overall approval , possibility of first-cycle approval and the potential need for a Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS) are necessary elements in portfolio decision-making. Specifically, we will discuss:

  • Recent history of approvals, REMS, and implications for future business strategy and planning
  • References to help keep current on FDA actions
  • The questions/issues which need to be considered at each phase of development to make realistic time and cost decisions  

5:30 Close of Strategic Resource Management Executive Forum (Portfolio Management continues on through Wednesday, November 4th)


Overview | Tuesday | Wednesday 


For questions or suggestions about the meeting, please contact:
Micah Lieberman
Executive Director, Conferences
Pharmaceutical Strategy Series
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 541.482.4709
E: mlieberman@pharmaseries.com

For exhibit, partnering and sponsorship information, please contact:
Arnold Wolfson
Business Development Manager
Pharmaceutical Strategy Series
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 781.972.5431
E: awolfson@healthtech.com

For media and association partnerships, please contact:
Jim MacNeil
Vice President, Marketing
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 781.972.5441
E: jmacneil@healthtech.com