Day 2: Tuesday, November 3, 2009
8:00 Breakfast Presentation Sponsored by
Gaining Strategic View of Your Portfolio: Maximizing Investments at Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
John Vigna, Associate Director Global Business Solutions, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
This presentation will provide a real world view on how Wyeth Consumer Healthcare designed and implemented a portfolio and resource management solution in order to gain better alignment of their global NPD and Manufacturing demand and provide executives with detailed portfolio analyses and tracking of all investments.
This presentation will explore how Wyeth Consumer Healthcare is achieving:
• A means to view development and manufacturing projects in a portfolio context with a focus on divisional goals
• Capability to judge the health of an investment portfolio by project size, strategic fit, and financial impact
• An enabler of scenario planning and analysis
• A focus on key issues
• Insight on Resource availability and assignments throughout the lifecycle of a portfolio and project
8:45 Chairperson’s Remarks
Robin G. Foldesy, Ph.D., Vice President, Portfolio Management, Wyeth Research
9:00 Break-Out Discussion Groups’ Synopsis and Findings
Each table group will designate a leader to present a short summary of their discussion from Monday afternoon.
9:45 Capacity Management: The Behaviors Necessary for Success
Anders Persson, Ph.D., Director, Capacity Management, AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca has successfully implemented a holistic capacity management approach within the Global Clinical Development function. The aim has been to maximize portfolio delivery through optimal utilization of available capacity, not limited to FTEs but also considering dollars and infrastructure. The success has been built upon process, responsibilities and behavioral aspects together with a seamless partnership with Finance. The presentation will cover an overview of the AstraZeneca capacity management approach with an emphasis on behaviors: customer in focus, performance-driven and passion for winning
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Unlocking Hidden Value in the Portfolio Through Systematic Indication Expansion
Aris Persidis, Ph.D., President, Biovista, Inc.
Drugs are very valuable assets with multiple revenue options. It is entirely possible to systematically profile the entire portfolio as a resource, and find novel untapped indications to expand into. Major advantages of systematic portfolio repositioning include lower costs to milestones, and faster time to the clinic and the market, with reduced risk. Biovista will highlight its MoA-based technology, capable of systematically expanding the use options of the portfolio.
10:30 Networking Coffee Break
11:15 Allocating Resource Projects and Global Studies in this Contracting Environment Sponsored by
Larry Radowski, Director, Operations, Integrated Project Management Company, Inc.
As we look into 2010, businesses are looking at how to grow profitably in this new economic world – and what resources are needed to meet new expectations. A primary challenge is to balance the retention, recruitment, and outsourcing of resource needs to meet corporate objectives. Implementing a comprehensive resource strategy requires the flexibility to react to the external environment as well as the ability to stay focused to meet business demands. Using a series of actual case studies, IPM will present different situations addressing real-life resource challenges. These will include:
Analyzing current skill sets of the PMO – How can you identify strengths and opportunities to ensure your PMO is being optimized? How can your retain your strong PMs and develop new PMs?
Retaining functional expertise while getting the project completed – when to use your SME as a project manager? What skills to look for in a SME for success as a PM?
Outsourcing – When does it make sense? What is the difference between project leadership and staff enhancement?
11:45 Re-designing Strategic Project and Resource Management Systems Specifically for BioPharma
Kevin Long, Manager, Research & Development Operations, Resource Management, Capability Stewards, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Melquiades de Jesus, Associate Director, Research & Development Operations, Resource Management, Capability Stewards, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Bristol Myers-Squibb has commissioned the re-engineering of their OPX2 project and resource management system. The current configuration was deployed over 4 years ago, since then both the organization and the tool have evolved substantially. The OPX2 optimization project is meant to recast the process and tool to improve the system scalability and standardize the resource estimation process and modules. This presentation will focus on two key elements:
12:15 Hosted Luncheon Presentation
Doing more with Less: Aligning Limited Resources to Long-Term Strategic Goals
Richard Sonnenblick, President, Enrich Consulting
How to effectively illustrate project contributions to strategy
Visualizations that enable effective high-level strategic decision making
Creating a strategic portfolio when your executives don’t provide clear strategic vision
(Joint Session Between Strategic Resource Management & Portfolio Management Forums)
1:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
James F. Resch, Ph.D., Director, Strategic Intelligence, Discovery Strategy and Performance, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2:00 Balancing R&D Investments with External Collaborations
A. Maria Dahl, Ph.D., MBA, Vice President, Portfolio Management Oncology, IPSEN
Excessive attrition is considered a significant pharma problem. Unfortunately the opposite can be equally problematic, with excessive supposedly “promising” and “potentially valuable” projects competing for increasingly scarce internal resources. In such an environment, it is key to have multiple internally agreed prioritization tools and then based on the prioritization be highly pragmatic as to how the asset is moved forward. In particular it will be discussed how to leverage external R&D collaborations, spin-outs and out licensing to ensure lower ranking but still valuable programs are progressed and not just shelved or put on hold “hoping for better times.”
Ipsen is a midsized Pharma company which has used a number of different formats of external R&D collaborations and spin-outs to successfully create value for assets which would otherwise have been shelved primarily for resource prioritization reasons. The lessons learned by Ipsen will be helpful for both mid size and large Pharma representatives in the audience.
The presentation will aim to transform the way the audience thinks about assets, from a “advance” or “drop” model to “advance using a wide different set of external approaches available”.
Tools for ranking and valuing projects taking into approach quantitative as well as qualitative parameters will be shared, as well as approaches which will allow one to see the project also with external eyes so as to create a win-win situation for any partner involved.
2:30 Designing Flexible Portfolio Management Processes
Christine Cioffe, V.M.D., Vice President, Enterprise-wide Planning and Portfolio Management, Merck & Co., Inc.
The decision-making structure behind resource allocation is changing. In many organizations, annual portfolio reviews (strategy, priorities and resource allocation) are no longer sufficient in effectively managing what is available against products in all stages of development. When making project and resource management decisions, particularly for the early-stage portfolio (due to the rapid nature of change in these projects), flexible and appropriately timed reviews are also needed. This session uses practical strategies and tactical tools to assess the following:
Structure and execution of governance and decision making (franchise and functional)
Utilizing stage-gate processes
Integrating and aligning resource allocation across the value stream
Determining balance in early and late state project and portfolio management
Understanding the complex nature of cost
3:00 Networking Refreshment Break
4:00 Raising the Bar on Operational Portfolio Management Decision Support
Carlos Nunes, Director, Portfolio Management & Analytics, Pfizer Inc.
Model and maximize near-term portfolio throughput using dynamic project and protocol scenario planning, leveraging operational clinical trial data and performance benchmarks. Critical to an effective discipline are four key capabilities
A reliable enterprise portfolio planning and resourcing information management practice
Real-time portfolio knowledge and reporting of resource demand, capacity and constraints (People + $$)
Flexibility to rapidly and seamlessly integrate operational data and benchmarks into drug development scenarios
Rapid assessment of multiple drug development scenarios alongside the active portfolio
4:30 The Impact of Organizational Culture on Resource and Portfolio Management “Best Practices”
Richard Heaslip, Ph.D., Vice President, Project Management, Wyeth Research
Defining resource and portfolio management “best practices” is difficult in the absence of information about the culture and structure of the organization in which it is conducted. Defining what is “best” depends upon the organization’s needs and expectations - which can vary widely within our industry. This talk will examine the influence of culture and structure on the establishment of best practices, and the challenges that resource and portfolio management professionals will face as our industry changes to prepare for an uncertain future.
5:00 Implications of the Regulatory Environment on Portfolio Management Decisions
Bonnie J. Goldmann, M.D., Goldmann Consulting, LLC, former Senior Vice President at Merck and Johnson & Johnson
The evolving global regulatory environment has never been more critical to portfolio management. Understanding how this risk-averse environment affects the scope of the development plan both pre- and post-approval, the probability of overall approval , possibility of first-cycle approval and the potential need for a Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS) are necessary elements in portfolio decision-making. Specifically, we will discuss:
- Recent history of approvals, REMS, and implications for future business strategy and planning
- References to help keep current on FDA actions
- The questions/issues which need to be considered at each phase of development to make realistic time and cost decisions
5:30 Close of Strategic Resource Management Executive Forum (Portfolio Management continues on through Wednesday, November 4th)
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Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday (Portfolio Management)
For questions or suggestions about the meeting, please contact:
Micah Lieberman
Executive Director, Conferences
Pharmaceutical Strategy Series
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 541.482.4709
For exhibit, partnering and sponsorship information, please contact:
Arnold Wolfson
Business Development Manager
Pharmaceutical Strategy Series
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 781.972.5431
For media and association partnerships, please contact:
Jim MacNeil
Vice President, Marketing
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 781.972.5441