Poster Information
A Limited Number of Oral Poster Presentation Slots Are Available.
Cambridge Healthtech Institute encourages attendees to gain further exposure by presenting their work in the virtual poster sessions. To ensure your poster presentation is considered, your full submission must be received, and your registration paid in full by March 10, 2021.
Register and indicate that you would like to present a virtual poster. Once your registration has been fully processed, we will send an email with a unique link and instructions for submitting your abstract and other materials. Please see below for more information.
Poster Presentations will be pre-recorded oral presentations played in real-time and integrated into the conference agenda.
Reasons you should present your research poster at this conference:
- Your research may be seen by our international delegation, representing leaders from top pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and government institutions
- Your virtual poster presentation may be streamed in real-time during the conference
- Receive $50 off your registration*
Special submission requirements for this event:
- Poster title
- Short text-only description for publication (70 word limit; about 500 characters)
- Pre-recorded 3-5 minute narrated slideshow. (Formats accepted: MP4 or PowerPoint as PPT or PPTX; Strict 5 minute limit)
Submissions received by the poster deadline will be considered for an Oral Poster Presentation. Not all submissions will be selected.
Initial instructions with submission link are general and sent automatically. They will have slightly different requirements than what is needed for this event. Follow-up, conference-specific instructions will be sent.
Instructions for this event:
Use submission link to upload poster title and short text-only description for publication (70 word limit; about 500 characters)
Create your PowerPoint slides, 16:9 ratio preferred (Include your poster title as the first slide. Author/affiliation information should be included in the PowerPoint slides.)
Prepare and practice, then record a voice-over (Narration can be recorded in the PowerPoint program or using Zoom. Instructions available. Remember not to speak during slide transitions. The slideshow should transition automatically between slides.) Strict time limit: 5 minutes. File size limit: 1 GB; aim for 15-150 MB.
Send MP4 or PPT/PPTX file via email (15MB max) or using your favorite file sharing service.
Slideshow with narration is required. Silent, static PDF posters will not be considered.
Presentation content should be scientific and relevant to the conference topic. Advertisements or solicitations will not be approved.